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Personal Development
What is Personal Development?
Personal development includes how we:
- enable pupils to develop and discover interests and talents
- support learners to develop their character - including resilience, confidence and independence
- teach pupils about knowing how to keep physically and mentally healthy
- prepare pupils for life in modern Britain, including their contribution to society, developing understanding of diversity and promoting respect for protected characteristics as defined in law.
What does this look like at Lakelands?
Our school values and ethos are underpinned by personal development:
Lakelands pupils are motivated learners with a sense of pride and strive to do their very best, whatever their background or starting points. Each child has an individual personality and our dedicated staff will help to develop their confidence and self esteem. Pupils will know about the importance of community and the values that underpin this; mutual respect, positive relationships and helping others. They will be responsible global citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to be forces of positive change in the world. They will leave our school in Year 6 ready for their next step as confident and compassionate members of society.
How do we do this?
- Our curriculum is broad and balanced - pupils are given opportunities to explore what it means to be artists, musicians, geographers, historians, designers, scientists and athletes.
- Our book choices - we talk about books being windows and mirrors - mirrors so that pupils see themselves reflected in the books that we read or windows so that our pupils can learn about and explore the lives of children from various cultures and races. We have sourced books that represent all groups of pupils, from all backgrounds. We are also careful not to have books in school that depict racism through stereotypes and caricatures
- Diversity is intervowen throughout the curriculum, all year round.
- We learn about mental health and how to look after our bodies and minds through the curriculum. In Reception, we start each year with books that centre around mental health and wellbeing; The Colour Monster, Ruby’s Worry, Augustus and his Smile. This equips our pupils to talk about feelings and emotions as the year goes on.
- During lucnh times, children consolidate skills such as table manners, pouring their own water and helping to set the table. Our staff eat with the children, supporting them to develop and maintain healthy eating habits, as well as connecting with them and continuing to build relationships outside of the classroom.
- We have high aspirations for all pupils, with an ambitious literature spine. This includes classical texts and Shakespeare.
- Providing pupils with a variety of enrichment opportunities:
- a range of clubs that are high in take-up (cooking, storytelling, art history, dance and football)
- trips and visits (mobile farm, Colchester Zoo, the beach, Tower of London)
- taking advantage of our local area (geography fieldwork, science / art walks)
- sporting competitions and events (Y1 upwards)
- Relationships, Sex and Health Education
- A well considered assembly programme (see below)