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Year 1
This is where you will find all of the information about what we do in Year 1, along with photos of our learning.
The structure of our day will become slightly more formal, with a discreet English lesson, maths lesson and phonics session. Pupils will also begin having weekly lessons in other areas of learning including Science, History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Religious Education and Relationships and Heath Education. Please look on our curriculum page for more details.
Pupils will continue to have snack time at playtime.
Teachers read a story to the pupils daily.
Please check with your child's teachers for more details about our PE days.
Learning Journeys
Art and Design Knowledge Organisers (Year 1)
Geography Knowledge Organisers (Year 1)
Geography Year 1 - Geographical Skills and Fieldwork - My Class, My School, My Road
Geography Year 1 - Locational Knowledge - The United Kingdom
Geography Year 1 and Year 2 - Place Knowledge - Stanway
Geography Year 1 - Place Knowledge - London
Geography Year 1 - Human and Physical Geography - Coasts, Tourism and Weather
History Knowledge Organisers (Year 1)
History Year 1 - Changes within living memory (My Family)
History Year 1 - Significant Events, People and Places in my Local Area
History Year 1 - Significant People (Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole)