
Physical Education

At Lakelands Primary School, we teach our pupils (from Year 1) discrete subjects. This means that we teach pupils what it means to be athletes. Pupils will understand that in PE, we learn how to be physically confident when it comes to their health and fitness. They are also given opportunities to take part in competitive sport and character building activities.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work. Perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." 


Physical Education Curriculum Overview

PE Curriculum

Physical Education Knowledge and Skills Coverage

By the end of EYFS, pupils are expected to:

  • Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others
  • Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing
  • Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing

By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils are expected to:

  • Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
  • Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
  • Perform dances using simple movement patterns

We use these to support teacher knowledge and improve lessons:

  • Get Set 4 PE Schemes of Work, Long Term Plans and Skills Progression 
  • Skills progression through adapting the Essentials Curriculum

How is Physical Education Taught?

At Lakelands, we have state of the art facilities, including a large field, 4G pitch in a Multi-Use Games Area and a large hall, equipped with new gymnastics equipment. 

From Year 1, pupils have two PE lessons a week; one is taught by the class teacher and the other is by a specialist sports coach.

Children come into school dressed in their PE kits on the days when it is being taught.

Enrichment Opportunities in Physical Education

There are various ways in which we enrich the pupils' knowledge and skills beyond individual Physical Education lessons:

  • Sporting opportunities with the Colchester Blackwater School Sport Partnership
  • Learning about nutrition and healthy eating through:
    • our healthy school dinner offer and packed lunch policy (no crisps or confectionery)
    • Design and Technology curriculum
    • Science curriculum
  • Lunchtime provision including:
    • football (girls' only football at least one day a week)
    • bikes
    • gym trail
  • Partnerships with local sporting providers, including Essex Cricket.

Visit the School Blog for more details.

Physical Education Links with other curriculum areas (including EYFS)

In EYFS, the Physical Education curriculum is closely matched with the areas of learning. For example, pupils are given opportunities to develop both fine and gross motor skills through activities such as:

  • Dough Disco
  • Art stations which include opportunites for cutting, stapling, stamping, gluing
  • Large mark making activities outdoors with paint and chalk
  • Use of bikes
  • Loose parts play
  • Large construction plaay with tyres, crates and other building materials

Physical Education is also closely linked with Design and Technology (Cooking and Nutrition) and Science (Muscles and Skeletons, Healthy Eating, Keeping Healthy), Relationships, Sex and Health Education (Health and Wellbeing) as well as the transferrable skills pupils gain during the lunchtime provision.

Knowledge Organisers

As we use the Get Set 4 PE Physical Education Schemes of Work as the basis of our Computing curriculum, we cannot share Knowledge Organisers on our website for copyright reaso