
Latest News

Posted on: 31st Jan 2023

Cricket Festival (Key Stage 1)

Last week, representatives from Years 1 and 2 took part in the Colchester and Blackwater School Sports Partnership Cricket Festival at Northern Gateway.

The pupils spent the morning practising skills such as throwing, catching and batting. They then used these skills to play 3T Cricket against other schools in the partnership.

A teacher said, "We had an absolute BLAST at the Northern Gateway Cricket festival! The children were so well behaved and took everything they were taught on board. They had the opportunity to perfect their throwing, catching and bowling skills, then we had a big game of 3 T cricket against other schools. The children worked beautifully together and it was lovely to see how supportive and encouraging they were to their team mates. Well done, Lakelands!”

A parent said, "Thank you so much for organising and giving the children such a fun opportunity! It looked like they had a great morning."

Hugo, Year 1, said, "There were a lot of games. My favourite was when you had to dribble the ball at the beginning. I got to hit the ball during the match. I really enjoy cricket!"

We are so proud of our pupils who represented Lakelands with pride and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. 

Written by Erica Cridland